Monday, June 20, 2016


Our great-great grandfather, Samuel Ellerton (1808-1884), married Eliza Hight (1811-1886), a daughter of Samuel Hight (1767-1850) and Elizabeth Wilson (1740-1818).

Samuel had a great grandson named Knox Pope Hight (1865-1960), who married Eva May Boone (1872-1976).

Eva was a great-great-great Granddaughter of Squire Boone, Sr (1696-1765) and Sarah Jarman Morgan (1700-1777).

Her branch of the Boone family descended from a Son of Squire named Squire Boone II (1744-1815). 

Squire II had an older Brother named Daniel Morgan Boone (1734-1820). 

Yes, that Daniel Boone, the famous woodsman.

For an engaging read about him, check out Boone - A Biography by Robert Morgan.

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