Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Fritz Wanzenried, 1884-1964)

Our paternal Grandfather, Fritz Wanzenried, was born in Oberdiessbach, Bowyl, Switzerland on February 2, 1884 to Christian (1846-1919) and Rosa (nee Voegeli) Wanzenried (1853-1925).

There are records suggesting his given name was Friedrich, making Fritz a nickname. For the sake of this story, we'll use Fritz. 

He was one of the middle children in a family of eight: 

1. Heidi (1877- )
2. Rosa (1879- )
3. Emma (1880- )
4. Christian 1881-1914)
5. Fritz (1884-1964)
6. Ida (1889- ) - twin
7. Mina (1889-1984) - twin
8. Anna Mathilde (1890-1958)

He was raised in a rural setting (probably on a small farm) where he learned how to butcher and tend orchards. Like many Europeans, he longed for more opportunities. America beckoned. 

At the age of 27 years, he boarded a ship named Kronprinz Wilhelm in Cherbourg, France in October 1911, arriving at Ellis Island, New York where he passed through immigration on October 31, 1911. Occupation: Butcher. 

After successfully navigating the entry requirements, Fritz traveled to Wellsville, New York, the destination he had included on his immigration documents. 

Why he went to Wellsville in southwestern New York state is a matter of conjecture. It is very likely that he went there to stay with a cousin named Ida Reuning (nee Voegeli). Ida was the Daughter of Johann Voegeli (1837-1908), an older Brother of Rosa, Fritz's Mother. 

Ida married Ernest J Reuning (1869-1925) in 1895 and emigrated to the United States shortly after marrying. Initially, they settled in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, where the first three of five of their children were born. Based on the birth of their third child, Margaret in June 1899 in Pennsylvania, and the 1900 US Census indicating they resided in New York, they moved to the Wellsville, New York in the waning days of the 19th Century. (Their fourth child, Frederick, was born in New York in 1902.) 

The 1910 US Census show the Reunings in New York State. That means they were living in Wellsville in 1911, the year Fritz arrived. (A survey of the US  and New York State Census information, both before and after Fritz’s arrival, suggests other Swiss immigrants stayed in the Reuning household. Names of Swiss-German origin are listed on one Census, but not listed on the next.) 

Fritz departed the Reuning way station in 1912 and travelled by train to southern California. 

His first job in Los Angeles was a dishwasher at a large hotel. Later in life, he was able to recount in vivid detail how rats, which infested the premises, ran across both soiled and just-washed dishes. 

Some time in 1913 or 1914 he returned to Switzerland and married Lina Althaus (1893-1981) on July 7, 1914.

Two things are worth noting. (1) Fritz's older Brother, Christian, died on January 25, 1914, just over a month shy of his 33rd birthday. (2) It is not clear where Fritz and Lina were married. (Kendra provided me with am image of the bride and groom.) 

They returned to the United States in 1914 on a ship named La Lorraine. When he passed through Ellis Island a second time, Fritz's name is recorded as Franz Wanzenreid.  

They settled in Santa Monica, California. 

On March 18, 1915, Lina gave birth to their first child, Fred (Fritz).

Mathilde, their second child, was born on January 16, 1918. 

Fritz registered for the draft for World War I on September 12, 1918. He recorded his address as 9123 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles. 

Fritz's Father, Christian Wanzenried (1846-1919) died on June 8, 1919. 

On February 9, 1920, the US Census records the Wanzenried family as living in Yucaipa, California. (The address is not legible.) Fritz's occupation is listed as a fruit farm manager. 

Rosemary, Fritz and Lina's last child, was born on July 21, 1920.  

Fritz's Mother, Rosa died on November 23, 1925.

Next installment: Kenneth Ellerton

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